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Sunday 26 March 2017

How to Download and Install Appium on Windows

For Video : CLICK HERE

Click Here to download all appium software for windows except Andriod SDK

What is Appium?
Appium is an open-source tool for automating native, mobile web and hybrid applications on iOS and Android platforms.

List out the appium abilities ?
1). Supports most of the programming languages like java, ruby.
2). Use can test booth iOS and Android platform.
3). Supports automation of hybrid, native and web apps.
4). cross-platform
5). Backend is Selenium so you will get all selenium functionality
6). Doesn’t require an APK for use

Tools required for Appium with Eclipse on windows OS :

1). install the JDK(java development kit) in your machine
Download Jdk:- Click Here

1.1). Set java path in your machine
Navigate :- Control panel > System and Security > System > Advanced System Setting (click on it)
A popup window "System Properties" will get open
Navigate :- Advanced tab and click on Environment Variables.. button
Under System variables click on New button
Give the Variable name as ‘JAVA_HOME‘
Variable value as C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_75
Click on Image

For path, select the path variable & click on Edit button
Now copy the java path up to bin folder & add it with ";"
append ;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_75\bin in the last
now click "OK" buttons.
Click on Image

1.2) Verify that java is installed properly or not
Open your commond prompt (ctrl+r, enter cmd, hit enter key)
type java -version & hit enter key
if below screen appears then Congratulation java is running in your machine.
Click on Image

2).Download and install microsoft .net framework Download .net framework :- CLICK HERE
If it is not present in your machine then Appium will not open you will get error "0xc000007b"

3). Download and Install the Andriod SDK Tools Download Andriod sdk : CLICK HERE

4). Setup Environment variable for Andriod Navigate :- Control panel > System and Security > System > Advanced System Setting (click on it)
A popup window "System Properties" will get open
Navigate :- Advanced tab and click on Environment Variables.. button
Under User variables click on New button
Give the Variable name as ‘ANDROID_HOME‘
Variable value as D:\study material\Selenium Final complete\Appium software\android-sdk-windows in your machine it will be different
Click on Image

4.1).Set the path variable for other 2 things, first is tools & second is platform-tools
Navigate :- Control panel > System and Security > System > Advanced System Setting (click on it)
A popup window "System Properties" will get open
Navigate :- Advanced tab and click on Environment Variables.. button
Under System variables find path variable select it and click on Edit button
Give the add path upto tools with ";" as D:\study material\Selenium Final complete\Appium software\android-sdk-windows\tools
Give the add path upto -plateformtools with ";" as D:\study material\Selenium Final complete\Appium software\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools
Click on Image

Now click "OK" buttons.

4.2).Verify that Andriod SDK is configured properly :- Open your commond prompt (ctrl+r, enter cmd, hit enter key)
type adb & hit enter key
if below screen appears then Congratulation Andriod ask is configured in your machine.
Click on Image

Open your commond prompt (ctrl+r, enter cmd, hit enter key)
type android & hit enter key
if below screen appears (OR Android SKD manager will get open) then Congratulation Andriod ask is configured in your machine.
Click on Image

5). Install Andriod SDK packages as per your need in Andriod sdk manager.
Select the Android version & other stuffs as per your need & install them.

6). Download & install the nodeJs in your machine
Download node.js : CLICK HERE
Note : No need to set the NodeJs path, it will automatically set the path variable.

7). Download and install Appium client for desktop
Download Appium : CLICK HERE

Click here to download appium fron windows 32 bit from drive

8). Download pdanet+ for Andriod and install in your desktop
Download pdanet+ : CLICK HERE

9). Download pdanet+ for andriod in your andriod mobile from playstore & install it
It will appear as shown below

10). Activate developer option in your android mobile
In Android >go to > setting > About phone and click 7 times on Build Number
after that developer option will be available with in setting
as shown in below

click on developer options & check the USB Debugging option.

11).Download Gson jar file for eclipse

Download link : CLICK HERE

12). Download java client for appium & add in your project
Download javaclient : CLICK HERE
:) :) Tags :

How to download & configure appium in windows ?

1 comment:

  1. The article lacked proper citations for the information presented. It would have been helpful to include references or links to additional resources.
    Cara Memperbanyak Like di Tiktok
